We believe in the power of education to enrich and improve our community through learning and increased opportunity.

The Excelsior Springs Educational Foundation (ESEF) was founded in 1993 to provide an avenue and managed system for funding educational activities not ordinarily funded by the Excelsior Springs School District that benefits students, staff and patrons.

The Excelsior Springs Educational Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organization. Contributions to the Foundation may be tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. The Foundation is managed by a board of directors composed of seven members of the community, a board of education representative, the deputy superintendent, and the superintendent of schools. The Foundation Board is separate and distinct from the Excelsior Springs School District’s Board of Education.

Our Mission

The Educational Foundation’s mission is to strengthen relationships within the community and to provide resources for the enhancement of education.

Our Board of Directors

Brian Rice


Kelli Kincaid


John Arnold

Kim Curtis

Molly McGovern


Tray Harkins

Board of Education

Dr. Mark Bullimore

Director of Communications

Dr. Jaret Tomlinson


Our Staff

Sarah Baker

Executive Director