Congratulations to four ESSD teachers who are receiving grant funding through the Teacher Grant program!

The Educational Foundation offers the Teacher Grant program that gives our ESSD staff members the opportunity to apply for grant funding. Grant requests demonstrate creative, innovative and effective ways to meet students’ needs while increasing motivation to learn and achieve measurable outcomes.

On Nov. 11 and 12, we surprised four teachers with the announcement that their grant requests are being fulfilled. CONGRATULATIONS to Matt Perkins, Katrina Ivan and Tina Tritico from the Excelsior Springs Middle School, and Anthony Harmon from the Excelsior Springs High School!

Mr. Perkins received a $100 grant for PVC pipe to learn forms of different exercises for his 8th grade health and fitness students. Ms. Ivan ‘s $500 grant will be used for t-shirts for the WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) Leader mentor program. Ms. Tritico’s funding of $608.32 will be used to purchase supplies for hands-on history ancient civilization activities for her 6th grade students. And Mr. Harmon received a $4,000 grant for a laser printer/cutter for his engineering classes.

Thank you to all of our ESSD teachers and staff members who make this possible by donating a portion of their paycheck toward the Teacher Grant fund through our Employee Giving Program.

Learn more about our Teacher Grants and Employee Giving programs.